
But the night my parents were murdered I caught a glimpse of something.
He is in a vehicle! Make and color?
If they hit the whole city with toxins, there's nothing to stop Gotham from tearing itself apart through mass panic.
it'll cause a chain reaction that'll vaporize the city's entire water supply.
Can you drive stick?
Bruce is refusing to demonstrate his commitment to justice by executing a criminal.
Like Constantinople or Rome before it the city has become a breeding ground for suffering and injustice.
You are just an ordinary man in a cape!  Who said anything about stopping it? You never learned to mind your surroundings!
draws a pistol and points it at Bruce, cocking it.
Now I wouldn't have a second's hesitation of blowing your head off right here in front of them. Because you think you've got nothing to lose. But you haven't thought it through. you know about the ugly side of life, but you don't. You've never tasted desperate.
You traveled the world... Now you must journey inwards... to what you really fear... it's inside you... there is no turning back.  If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal,
My anger outweighs my guilt.
He believed his example could inspire the wealthy of Gotham to save their city.
Their murders shocked the wealthy and the powerful into action. People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy and I can't do that as Bruce Wayne, as a man I'm flesh and blood I can be ignored I can be destroyed but as a symbol, as a symbol I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting.
this symbol is a persona to protect those you care about from reprisals.
Justice is balance. You burned down my house and left me for dead. Consider us even.
If someone stands in the way of true justice, you simply walk up behind them and stab them in the heart.
Scums getting jumpy because you stood up to Falcone.
It's not who I am underneath, but what I *do* that defines me.
You see, I'm buying this hotel, and uh, setting new rules about the pool area.
Bats are nocturnal. Bats might be, but even for billionaire playboys, three o'clock is pushing it. The price of leading a double life, I think.
Strange injuries and non-existent social life, these things beg the question as to what exactly does Bruce Wayne do with his time and his money.
Death does not wait for you to be ready! Death is not considerate, or fair! And make no mistake: here, you face Death.

This house, Master Wayne, was shelter to six generations of your family.
Why do you give a damn, Alfred? It's not your family.
I give a damn because a good man once made me responsible for what was most precious to him in the whole world. 
He wanted to liquidate your majority shareholding. Those shares are worth quite a bit of money.
The training is nothing! The will is everything!  The will to act.
he's not gonna want to hear that you have endangered our operation just to get your thugs out of a little jail time. 
You'll destroy millions of lives.
The League of Shadows has been a check against human corruption for thousands of years. We sacked Rome, loaded trade ships with plague rats, burned London to the ground. Every time a civilization reaches the pinnacle of its decadence, we return to restore the balance.
No, a vigilante is just a man lost in the scramble for his own gratification. He can be destroyed, or locked up. But if you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, and if they can't stop you, you become something else entirely.  Which is? 
You fear your own anger, the drive to do great and terrible things.
In here, only the mind can grant you power.
You have a name to maintain... It's not just your name, sir! It's your father's name! And it's all that's left of him. Don't destroy it.
You know how to fight six men. We will teach you to engage six hundred.
But maybe he's still out there, somewhere.
has a taste for theatrics, like you... he leaves a calling card.  I'll look into it. I never got to say thank you. And you'll never have to. 
to interrogate Flass, Batman lays a snare-trap which yanks Flass by his leg 70 feet into the air]
Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society's understanding.
And that there's a fat price just waiting for anybody willing to do something about it. People get mugged coming home every day of the week.
By whose authority...? 
Your compassion is a weakness your enemies will not share. 
Scarecrow sets Batman on fire
nightmarish. poisonous
 a man who spends his nights swinging across the rooftops of Gotham wouldn't begrudge me dual identities?
I want to thank you all for coming here tonight and drinking all of my booze. 
 No, really. uh... There's a thing about being a Wayne that... you're never short of a few freeloaders
Mm... I'm not finished. To all of you, uh, to all of you phonies, all of you two-faced friends, you sycophantic suck-ups who smile through your teeth at me, please... leave me in peace.

I analyzed your blood and isolated its receptor compounds and it's carbon based catalyst.  Am I meant to understand any of that? 
Planning on gassing yourself again, Mr Wayne?  You're out at night, looking for kicks, someone's passing around a weaponized hallucinogen. The antidote should inoculate you for now.
Batman may have made the front page, but Bruce Wayne got pushed to page eight.
 Don't burden yourself with the secrets of scary people.
these crazies... they can't stand it. So when did the nut take over the nuthouse?
[ Falcone screams in terror from the sight of Scarecrow
The Wayne legacy is more than bricks and mortar, sir.
Why do we fall, sir? So that we might better learn to pick ourselves up.
[trying to lug a burning roof beam off of a helpless Bruce]
What was the point of all those push-ups if you can't even lift a bloody log
He said your father begged for mercy.
But I know the rage that drives you. That impossible anger strangling the grief, until the memory of your loved one is just... poison in your veins. And one day, you catch yourself wishing the person you loved had never existed so you'd be spared your pain.
But the Batman has a talent for disruption.
Gordon! All the city's riot police are on the island with you. [the Batmobile roars across the bridge]
I have a feeling the police are going to need as much of it as they can get their hands on.
My security clearance has been revoked. That wouldn't stop someone like you, would it? [smiles] I guess not.
Your anger gives you great power. But if you let it, it will destroy you. As it almost did me
What stopped it? Vengeance.
What is it you seek? The means to fight injustice, to turn fear against those who would prey on the fearful.
Isn't it convenient for a fifty-two year-old man who has no prior history of mental illness to have a complete psychotic breakdown, just before he's about to be indicted?
[Crane indicates Falcone - strapped into a chair, staring fearfully at the ceiling, and muttering under his breath]
A guy who dresses as a bat clearly has issues.

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    Beyond comfort zone 人生的初期別太任性

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