最近看到Sony Cybershot的廣告,很喜歡裡頭的配樂(總覺得好像某些手機還NB廣告採用的一些同類音樂,似曾相識);當然長髮飄逸的美女俊男也很賞心悅目。
聽整個曲風跟開頭口白的部分會以為是哪個國外樂團的作品,後來查了一下原來是國內一個叫「電話亭」(Telephone Booth)的樂團(簡稱也是TB耶)~
If no wind
If no wind
If no wind
If no wind
If no wind
If no wind
Please fly straightly
I’am sure you can do that
please fly straightly
You check the sky
You wanna get high
but no one to talk, to believe
You not sure if departure tonight
You scare it’s maybe wrong
You check the sky
You wanna get high
you call to dear Mama She tell you that’s will be right
If you get the wind
just take on it
If get the wind
just take on it
If no wind
just fly straightly
It’s life
- Aug 02 Sat 2008 02:59
If No Wind