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Dekker: No relationship can work if you're being made a fool of. Either the one on top dumps the fool, because he's bored and lost respect. Or the fool realizes that he's a fool, that he's selling himself short and has nothing left, and he goes. Look at it like this, you learnt something:

Anna: Men are jerks and make you unhappy.

Dekker: No man in the world can make you happy if you weren't happy already. You have to make yourself happy. It's totally selfish to wait at home, frustrated, expecting someone else to make you happy all the time. And anyway it's normal to be unhappy.I don't run around every day saying, "Life is awesome!" Why does everyone expect to be happy all the time?

Anna: Sounds nice, but what do you know about relationships? You only want sex.

Dekker: Think I've never had a relationship? That's why I'm alone! It's so difficult to find someone who's got it together and doesn't expect me to make them happy. And blame me for it when they're not.

Anna: So when's your book coming out?

Dekker: What book?

Anna: "Ludo Dekker, Pour Some Sunshine in Your Life, Together Alone."

女主角室友把床上男人分成三類的言論頗有Sex & City的風格;

續集片名也很有趣,叫做"Zweiohrküken"(Chicken With Two Ears)


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